
School Programs

RAHI’s programs have been developed with uniquely effective approaches and cutting edge techniques. They are created in response to the assessed needs and learnings over years of work with women survivors, their violence related trauma and the environment of CSA in the country. These include using innovative means to communicate incest/CSA information to the public, programs to build capacities of college students, health professionals and social workers for dealing effectively with incest/CSA prevention and intervention, and initiating and guiding other individuals and groups to work in this field.

  • ASAP : Adolescents for Sexual Abuse Prevention

    ASAP is a unique School Program that involves school students, teachers, school counsellors and parents to work towards preventing child sexual abuse, and intervening to effectively handle its occurrence. For the first time, schools in Delhi are being offered programs that create awareness, build knowledge, information and skills, all of which allow adolescents and adults to play a critical role in the prevention and appropriate handling of CSA. RAHI offers various programmes to this end:

    • Basic Orientation for Teachers/ Counsellors
    • One Day Follow up Workshop for Teachers and Counsellors
    • Basic Orientation for Parents
    • Session with Adolescents

    Basic Orientation for Teachers / Counsellors

    2 hours | maximum of 100 Participants

    This orientation program uses a 37 min long film made by Mamta Murthy who worked with RAHI to create the film in the year 2000. ‘Colours Black’ brings out the reality of CSA in India and its impact on victims and survivors. The dramatization uses voices of survivors who talk about their abuse and its effects. RAHI has used this film widely as a powerful tool to introduce the topic of CSA to adults.


    One Day Follow Up Workshop for Teachers / Counsellors : Identifying and Intervening in Child Sexual Abuse

    8 hours | maximum of 35 Participants

    The workshop strengthens knowledge of CSA, and enables teachers to recognize signs, facilitate and handle disclosure, and intervene in CSA cases at schools. It covers:

    The Definition of CSA | Myths and Prejudices | How CSA takes place | Who are the Victims | Who Abusers are and How they Function | Silence | What Children Feel | Impact on Children | Red Alerts for Teachers and Indicators of CSA | Facilitating and Responding to Disclosures by Children | Handling of CSA cases by Teachers | Prevention – What Schools and Teachers can do


    Basic Orientation with Parents

    2 hours | maximum of 100 Participants

    This RAHI workshop sensitizes parents on CSA while providing basic information on the subject and encouraging solutions. It covers: Definition of CSA

    Silence in Abuse | The Identity of Abusers | Children who are vulnerable | How to Identify CSA | How to respond to CSA | Prevention


    Session with Adolescents (Classes 9 to 12)

    2 hours | maximum of 60 Participants

    This RAHI workshop introduces the issue of CSA to Adolescents in a safe way and discusses related issues that face Adolescents. It covers concepts such as:

    CSA | Consent | Choice | Assertiveness | Shame | Guilt | Gender Stereotyping | Trust | Body Image

    This session requires follow-up action by school by way of projects using this theme in classes such as art, drama, life skills, SUPW so students can engage in various ways with this theme and consolidate their learning. Their work can be exhibited in school and students can present to their peers, parents and teachers. This will help them take ownership of their learning and also develop their own material on this subject.


    RAHI Foundation
    School Programs
    RAHI Foundation
    School Programs
    RAHI Foundation
    School Programs
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